NAME: 6 inch Standpipe Pressure Gauges

6” Standpipe Pressure Gauges

6” Standpipe Pressure Gauges including single pointer pressure gauge and dual pointer pressure gauges. Single Pointer Pressure Gauge systems monitor mud pump operations to accurately and efficiently detect potential problems. Compound Pressure Gauge systems are designed to provide a quick accurate display of pump pressure. Main applications are for hydrostatic testing, down hole cementing operations and high pressure fracturing.


-Standard capacities included: 7MPa, 14MPa, 21MPa, 35MPa, 42MPa, 80MPa, 100MPa. 120MPa 

-Also available in psi, kPa and bar capacities.

-360 degree calibration allows operator to view the smallest pressure changes. 

-Rugged design over years of service has proven this gauge to be accurate and dependable in extreme conditions. 

-Damper allows operator to adjust gauge sensitivity to ensure accurate readings in all kinds of pumping conditions.

To order specify

-Pressure capacity

-English or Metric

-Gauge mounting

-Single pointer or dual pointer gauge