NAME: 16 inch Weight Indicator

16” Weight indicators

16” Weight Indicator provides drillers with an easy to use and interpret way to track hook load ad weight on bit. Weight indicator comes in either a panel mounted or box mounted version. Maintain weight indicator has proven over the years to be accurate and economical. Many models are available: Type D, Type E, Type EB, Type 125, Type 150 and Type 200.

Type D, AW Series

-Deadline loads to 50.000lbs

-6, 8, 10, 12 lines strung, 

-E543 compression load cell or E80 tension load cell

Type E, AWE Series 

-Deadline loads to 75.000lbs

-6, 8, 10, 12 lines strung, 

-E551 compression load cell or E80 tension load cells

Type EB, AWE Series 

-Deadline loads to 100.000lbs

-8, 10, 12, 14 lines strung

-E551 compression load cell or E80 tension load cells

Type 125, AWE Series

-Deadline loads to 125.000lbs

-10, 12, 14, 16 lines strung

-E551 compression load cell

Type 150, AWE Series

-Deadline loads to 150.000lbs

-10, 12, 14, 16 lines strung

-E551 compression load cell

Type 200, AWE Series

-Deadline loads to 200.000lbs

-10, 12, 14, 16 lines strung 

-E551 compression load cell

To Order Specify

-Size of rig

-Derrick capacity

-Sizes of drilling line

-Number of lines strung