16” Weight indicators
16” Weight Indicator provides drillers with an easy to use and interpret way to track hook load ad weight on bit. Weight indicator comes in either a panel mounted or box mounted version. Maintain weight indicator has proven over the years to be accurate and economical. Many models are available: Type D, Type E, Type EB, Type 125, Type 150 and Type 200.
Type D, AW Series
-Deadline loads to 50.000lbs
-6, 8, 10, 12 lines strung,
-E543 compression load cell or E80 tension load cell
Type E, AWE Series
-Deadline loads to 75.000lbs
-6, 8, 10, 12 lines strung,
-E551 compression load cell or E80 tension load cells
Type EB, AWE Series
-Deadline loads to 100.000lbs
-8, 10, 12, 14 lines strung
-E551 compression load cell or E80 tension load cells
Type 125, AWE Series
-Deadline loads to 125.000lbs
-10, 12, 14, 16 lines strung
-E551 compression load cell
Type 150, AWE Series
-Deadline loads to 150.000lbs
-10, 12, 14, 16 lines strung
-E551 compression load cell
Type 200, AWE Series
-Deadline loads to 200.000lbs
-10, 12, 14, 16 lines strung
-E551 compression load cell
To Order Specify
-Size of rig
-Derrick capacity
-Sizes of drilling line
-Number of lines strung